Terry Lovelace




Terry Lovelace



Terry is a native St. Louis Missouri. After high school in 1973, he enlisted in the United States Air Force as the Vietnam War was winding down. He was trained as a medic/EMT and served six years on active duty from 1973 to 1979.

In 1977, he and a coworker were abducted from Devils Den State Park while wilderness camping at Devils Den State Park in NW Arkansas. Terry and his wife never disclosed or discussed his abduction experience. In 1979 he completed military service and made his career in the law as a DA and Assistant Attorney General. For fear of damage to his legal career and the loss of respect among his peers, he and his wife chose not to disclose or discuss the matter.

That all changed in 2012. About ten months after he retired from Vermont a routine x-ray revealed foreign objects above and below his right knee. After forty years of screaming nightmares he no longer feared damage to his legal career and decided to make a full and candid disclosure. The discovery of an alien implant in his leg during a routine x-ray was the catalyst to write and speak candidly about his abduction experience. Copies of the original x-rays are provided during his presentation.


The Why Files https://rumble.com/v5fh73h-alien-implants-devils-den-ufo-encounter-what-was-found-inside-terry-lovelac.html
